Чудо-аксессуар для хипстерских усов

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Три шведских дизайнера придумали для хипстеров способ защитить усы в процессе приема пищи и напитков. Многофункциональный протектор под названием «Щит для усов» (Stache Shield) можно надевать на лицо или на емкость с напитком.
Трем дизайнерам-хипстерам пришла в голову идея, когда родственник одного из них показал схожее старинное устройство на блошином рынке. «Мы изобрели многофункциональный протектор для современного мужчины, вдохновляясь работами великих изобретателей XIX века», — говорит Эрик Кальдерон, один из троицы дизайнеров.
Когда протектор не используется, его можно носить на шее как модную подвеску. Протектор сделан вручную из шведской стали. Группа собирает деньги на производство на сайте Kickstarter.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213k) Eric, co-founder of ODD Company, wearing the Stache Shield around his neck The ultimate hipster accessory, Göteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213i) Eric, co-founder of ODD Company, with food in his beard The ultimate hipster accessory, Gцteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213l) The Stache Shield on a table The ultimate hipster accessory, Göteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213j) The Stache Shield also comes with its own protective pouch The ultimate hipster accessory, Göteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213a) Eric Calderon, co-founder of ODD Company using the Stache Shield The ultimate hipster accessory, Gцteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.

MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213d) The stache sheild on a coffee cup The ultimate hipster accessory, Göteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.
MANDATORY CREDIT: ODD Company/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by ODD Company/REX Shutterstock (5363213f) Eric, co-founder of ODD Company using the Stache Sheild on a pint of beer The ultimate hipster accessory, Gцteborg, Sweden - 12 Nov 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/ri9c A trio of Swedish designers have given hipsters a way of protecting their moustache whilst performing actions such as eating or drinking.  The multifunctional moustache protector, known as the 'Stache Shield', can be placed on drinking containers or worn on the face.  Currently gaining traction on Kickstarter, the designers believe that their creation could be the accessory that hipsters worldwide have been waiting for.
